The girls will have been home for 4 weeks already on Tuesday, and will be 3 months old on Saturday…. crazy!
-tinny out
The girls will have been home for 4 weeks already on Tuesday, and will be 3 months old on Saturday…. crazy!
-tinny out
Yesterday we took the twins to Children’s for a follow up eye exam. Although the exam took a very long time, it was pretty uneventful. It took so long that we needed to feed the girls at the hospital, so I started feeding Ella in the waiting room, and then continued to feed as we walked down to the cafeteria. Once we sat down, the ever content Ella let loose w/ the biggest, most aggressive vomit that I have ever witnessed. So, I went back to work w/ the look and smell of fortified breast milk on my dress shirt and slacks. Mmmmm.
-tinny out
Several folks suggested that we keep track of how many diapers that we go through w/ having two twins at home. While this was very intriguing, and I would have loved to see how bad our environmental foot print is, I can barely figure out which end of the bottle goes in the mouth in the middle of the night, much less put a tally on a dry erase board. So, here is a picture of the diapers from the first couple days at home.