The end of last week was pretty rough, but our girls had a pretty good weekend and Monday. Ava is in a new, open crib, waiting for Ella to get done w/ her antibiotics to "co-bed". It's a sleepover! Both babies are over 3lbs and growing. They are both still on the nasal canulas w/ varying levels of breathing assistance. Last night Rachel and I got to help give them baths, but because this is a pg-13 blog, no pics, sorry! but to tide you all over, here are a few recent snaps. Above, Ava and I are kangarroing, below, you see Ella wide awake & alert.

And here is Ava sleeping w/ her mouth open...

Thanks for all your support...
-tinny out
Bath time.....I cannot even imagine?!?! I think its so amazing how involved you have both been in their care everyday! Ava and Ella are two lucky girls to have you two!