The long version of our delivery story will come, but for now, Ava Gretchen and Ella Rae Tinsler were born on February 2, 2009. Ava was 2lbs 12oz. and Ella was 2lbs 6oz. Both were 14.5 inches long, and for coming 11 weeks early, they are doing well. Below is Ava, all done up w/ her CPap respiratory devise to help provide pressure so that she can breath.

Below is Ella. She is a few steps behind Ava, but both were stable. She is also on cPap, but requiring less oxygen. The goal is to reduce that compliment over time to get them to breath "room air." The nurses said that they can see the spunk in these girls, which they will need for the road ahead. Its kinda funny, all of their parts are their, but they do not have any much body fat because they were delivered so early. I think that they kinda look like little old men.
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